maandag 27 april 2020

Wat zou de VS doen?

En vandaag weer verder met Teaching About the Wars. Deze keer over situatieschetsen in Irak en dan mochten we raden wat de reactie van de VS is geweest.

We mochten kiezen uit deze opties, hieronder zal ik een voorbeeld zetten van een situatieschets en het goede antwoord.

'Predict how the U.S. government will respond in each case and explain the likely reasons for its decisions. Range of possible options can include changes or additions to one or more of the following:
  • Use military force
  • Use economic sanctions (prohibitions on the purchase, sale, or distribution of certain goods to targeted country) to discourage undesirable behavior
  • Officially criticize actions
  • Ignore the actions
  • Support with military aid (money, training, equipment, or personnel)
  • Support with economic and humanitarian aid
  • Other response (explain)'

Berend had al snel door dat het antwoord 'ze wapens geven' vaak het goede antwoord was...

Deel 1: Situatieschets:

'Situation #6 (Jan. 17, 1991): Iraqi water and electrical facilities targeted
The United States is leading the U.N. coalition in a war to make Saddam’s troops retreat from Kuwait. Iraq’s infrastructure for clean water, sanitation, and electrical power is an essential life support for the country. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency considers the strategy of extensively bombing Iraqi infrastructure, predicting a huge impact on Iraqi civilians. 

Children will be the most in danger of sickness and death from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. U.S. government studies after World War II had concluded that “the dread of disease and hardships imposed by the lack of sanitary facilities were bound to have a demoralizing effect upon the civilian population,” and that there was a “reliable and striking correlation between the disruption of public utilities and the willingness of the German population to accept unconditional surrender.” Will the U.S. government attack Iraqi water and electrical facilities?'

Deel 2: Wat deed de VS?

'Situation #6 (Jan. 17, 1991): Iraqi water and electrical facilities targeted
The U.S. military destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure. More than 100,000 air missions dropped 88,000 tons of bombs (equivalent to seven and a half Hiroshimas) in 42 days, resulting in an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 immediate civilian deaths and more than 100,000 military fatalities. 

The Pentagon admitted later that nonmilitary facilities had been extensively targeted for political reasons. A U.S. Air Force planner during the Gulf War said: “Big picture, we wanted to let people know, ‘Get rid of this guy and we’ll be more than happy to assist in rebuilding. We’re not going to tolerate Saddam Hussein or his regime. Fix that, and we’ll fix your electricity.’” 

On February 15, Saddam offered to withdraw from Kuwait and follow all U.N. resolutions, but President Bush rejected his offer as a “cruel hoax.”'

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