zaterdag 28 mei 2011

Weekplannen 30 mei - 5 juni: Boten

Leesdas – Op zoek naar een schip:
Het Klokhuis – Veerboten:
Het Klokhuis – Waterpolitie:


Nodig: plastic bakjes, mast, touw

Nodig: bamboe stok

Nodig: melkpakken

Nodig: ijsstokjes

Nodig: kartonnen doosje

Nodig: melkpak, stokje

Nodig: sappakje, satehprikker

Nodig: briefkaartpapier, ijsstokjes, veertjes

Cut 10 boats and sails from construction paper and laminate. Mark a number on each boat. Place coordinating dots on each sail. In mixed order within reach of the children, attach the boats on one side of the chalkboard and the sails on the other side. Use number word flashcards for a child to answer. If the correct number word is answered, the child matches the sail to the boat.

Sink or Float?
Have the children test objects to see if they sink or float. Provide children with a variety of objects and ask them to think about which ones will sink, and which will float. Have the children drop the objects in water and see if they were right. You can also place a variety of objects on a table and ask children to choose ones they think will float. Then drop those objects into a tank or bowl of water to test their choices.

Clay Boat
Give each child a ball of clay the size of a large marble. Ask the children to drop the clay into a tank or bowl of water. The clay will sink. Fish all the clay out of the water and show the children how to make a bowl shape from the clay. Once the children have made their bowls, ask them to place them back in the water. This time they will float. Now challenge the children to make a boat shape from the clay that will float. Let the children experiment with different shapes and whether they float or sink.

Sink the Boat
Have the children make a bowl or boat shape from clay, as before. Float the boats in a tank or bowl of water. Have the children place a marble in their clay boat -- the boat should remain floating. Ask the children to find out how many marbles it takes to sink their boat. Challenge the children to make a boat shape that will hold four or five marbles before sinking. Guide them into thinking about how to do this; experiment with making the boat bigger, thicker or thinner or a different shape.

Dancing Raisins
Fill a tall, clear glass with sparkling water or clear soda. Place a few large raisins in the glass and ask the children to watch carefully. The raisins will float for a time, then sink, then rise up, then sink, then rise, etc. Tell the children the raisins do this because the bubbles stick to the raisins and make them lighter, so they can float. This is also how fish swim. Fish have a sack inside them, called a swim bladder, that they fill with air when they want to rise up, or empty when they want to sink down. Divers use a similar device, called a buoyancy control device, to swim under water


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