zondag 27 september 2020

Monty Hall?

Berend verzint een soort Monty Hall probleem en nu worden er heftige discussies gevoerd of je van deur moet wisselen of niet...

woensdag 23 september 2020

Platonische lichamen

Fiene en ik zitten nog midden in de oudheden en leerden vandaag over Platonische lichamen (hadden we het laatst met de wiskundeclub toevallig ook over gehad). Dat leek Fiene leuk om zelf te proberen te maken. Dus we printten van iedere vorm een uitslag uit en gingen aan het versieren, knippen en plakken.

zondag 20 september 2020

Obstacle Run

Fiene en Berend deden met andere thuisonderwijstieners mee aan een obstacle run in Amersfoort. Rennen en over opblaashellingen en obstakels klauteren :-) Weer eens wat anders dan Mudmakers (gaat niet door dit jaar). Ze hebben het heel leuk gehad!

vrijdag 18 september 2020

Sonnet 116 van Shakespeare

Eerder dit jaar leerden Fiene en ik het gedicht No Man is an Island uit ons hoofd tijdens het memory work van Build Your Library.
Daarna zijn we aan de slag gegaan met sonnet 116 van Shakespeare. Dat vonden we lastiger dan het gedicht! 😀

Dit lesplan had ik ervoor gemaakt:
Dag 1:
Begin to memorize Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare:
Read through the sonnet carefully and slowly and out loud. It’s okay if you don’t get it all right away. Just read it, letting the language flow out of your mouth. Read ‘Taking it apart’. https://www.mensaforkids.org/.../shakespeare-sonnet-116/

Dag 2:
Voorgelezen: Juliet Stevenson reads Shakespeare's Sonnet 116: https://youtu.be/cKyuzXwSolA
Toelichting: Introduction, The Poem, Analysis: https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/poetry/sonnet-116

Dag 3:
Sense & Sensibility - Love is not Love: https://youtu.be/5WOFLpmDbIs
Copy the poem over in your own handwriting, writing on every other line. Try to keep the lines and stanzas on your paper the same as in the original poem. Do worksheet ‘Memorizing it - Can you fill in the next word?’.

Dag 4:
Read the poem out loud again.
Patrick Stewart 116: https://youtu.be/ytwkXCVXj80 
Do worksheet ‘Memorizing it - Can you give the next line? ’.

Dag 5:
Memorize first stanza: Using an index card or a piece of paper, cover up all of the poem except the first line. Say that line over to yourself three times. Now, gaze off into space for a moment and try to say the line from memory. Repeat this with the rest of the lines in the stanza, saying the lines you have already worked on, too. If the poem is not divided into stanzas, divide it yourself into groups of three or four lines.

Dag 6:
Sonnet 116 - Original Pronunciation - Shakespeare on Toast: https://youtu.be/bt7OynPUIY8
Memorize second stanza: Once you have one stanza down, go to the next one, again working line by line. Put those two stanzas together.

Dag 7:
Memorize third stanza: Go to the next stanza, again working line by line. Put the three stanzas together.

Dag 8:
You will think you have it down pat, and you will be wrong. It will take practice to move this information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. To practice, follow the ideas below:
  • write the first letter of each word on an index card and practice with the card, using the letters to prompt you
  • record yourself reading the poem and listen to it (if you can load it on an iPod or MP3 player, that is awesome practice)
  • say the poem out loud when you are walking by yourself
  • recite to your parents (serious brownie points)
  • say it while you are in the shower, drying your hair, or exercising (repetitive motion like a foot striking the track will help get the pattern of the poem in your mind)
  • write it out over and over
  • think it to yourself when you are bored in class

vrijdag 11 september 2020

Memory Work: Sonnet 116 van Shakespeare

Eerder dit jaar leerden Fiene en ik het gedicht No Man is an Island uit ons hoofd tijdens het memory work van Build Your Library.

Daarna zijn we aan de slag gegaan met sonnet 116 van Shakespeare. Dat vonden we lastiger dan het gedicht! :-)

Dit lesplan had ik ervoor gemaakt:
Dag 1:
Begin to memorize Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare:
Read through the sonnet carefully and slowly and out loud. It’s okay if you don’t get it all right away. Just read it, letting the language flow out of your mouth. Read ‘Taking it apart’. https://www.mensaforkids.org/read/a-year-of-living-poetically/shakespeare-sonnet-116/

Dag 2:
Voorgelezen: Juliet Stevenson reads Shakespeare's Sonnet 116: https://youtu.be/cKyuzXwSolA
Toelichting: Introduction, The Poem, Analysis: https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/poetry/sonnet-116

Dag 3:
Sense & Sensibility - Love is not Love: https://youtu.be/5WOFLpmDbIs
Copy the poem over in your own handwriting, writing on every other line. Try to keep the lines and stanzas on your paper the same as in the original poem. Do worksheet ‘Memorizing it - Can you fill in the next word?’.

Dag 4:
Read the poem out loud again.
Patrick Stewart 116: https://youtu.be/ytwkXCVXj80 Do worksheet ‘Memorizing it - Can you give the next line? ’.

Dag 5:
Memorize first stanza: Using an index card or a piece of paper, cover up all of the poem except the first line. Say that line over to yourself three times. Now, gaze off into space for a moment and try to say the line from memory. Repeat this with the rest of the lines in the stanza, saying the lines you have already worked on, too. If the poem is not divided into stanzas, divide it yourself into groups of three or four lines.

Dag 6:
Sonnet 116 - Original Pronunciation - Shakespeare on Toast: https://youtu.be/bt7OynPUIY8
Memorize second stanza: Once you have one stanza down, go to the next one, again working line by line. Put those two stanzas together.

Dag 7:
Memorize third stanza: Go to the next stanza, again working line by line. Put the three stanzas together.

Dag 8:
You will think you have it down pat, and you will be wrong. It will take practice to move this information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. To practice, follow the ideas below:
write the first letter of each word on an index card and practice with the card, using the letters to prompt you
record yourself reading the poem and listen to it (if you can load it on an iPod or MP3 player, that is awesome practice)
say the poem out loud when you are walking by yourself
recite to your parents (serious brownie points)
say it while you are in the shower, drying your hair, or exercising (repetitive motion like a foot striking the track will help get the pattern of the poem in your mind)
write it out over and over
think it to yourself when you are bored in class

dinsdag 8 september 2020

NBTSP Hoek van Holland

Arnaud ging met de kinderen naar de NBTSP op het strand van Hoek van Holland. Echt een heerlijke dag voor een stranduitje!

maandag 7 september 2020

English Class huiswerk

De kinderen lezen met English Class opnieuw het boek How to Read Literature Like a Professor (de versie voor kinderen). Dat is al de derde jaar op rij dat ze het boek lezen :-) Gelukkig vinden ze het een leuk boek ;-)

dinsdag 1 september 2020

NBTSP Oud Valkeveen

We gingen naar Oud Valkeveen voor de jaarlijkse Not Back To School Party. Het was mooi weer, er waren veel bekenden, dus het was weer erg gezellig.